

Dental Esthetics is responsible for studying and treating in each patient the alterations of shape, color, size and three-dimensional alignment of the teeth, so that you can display a beautiful natural smile. A healthy mouth positively influences the state of health, just as the esthetics and beauty of the smile influence the emotional balance of the person, provide security and transmit a positive message to others.

Esthetics begins with proper care and maintenance of teeth and gums. White teeth, bright and well aligned are the perfect allies to a beautiful smile. The lack of teeth, the disproportion between them, the presence of pieces with changes of color, the irregularities of the enamel and the gums too visible, are several of the different problems that can manifest themselves in the patient and that can cause in the observer an unconscious rejection. Receding or inflamed gums, poorly adjusted cavities or restorations, dark spaces between teeth, are common esthetic problems that the observer interprets as signs of neglect or aging.

After an individualized study of the patient, with the help of photographs, pre-modeled diagnostics, masks and digital simulations in Bonadex Dentists we can design the ideal esthetics and propose and give a cost estimate for a specific patient of those modifications that will result in a harmonious and pleasing dento-gingival set .

Estética dental Bonanova


This revolutionary system of designing the ideal smile is the Digital Smile Design with which the patient can see, but more interestingly, can try the final result directly in his or her own mouth without altering any teeth.

In Bonadex Dentists we offer solutions to all these situations because we have specialists in Dental Esthetics who offer a wide range of personalized treatments that include: dental whitening, interceptive orthodontics, ceramic or composite laminates, prosthetics on teeth and on implants and gingival surgeries as well as simple fillings and common procedures.


It deals with the procedures aimed at recovering the normal shape and appearance of the gum. It may be that it has diminished in size leaving areas of root visible or we need to improve its shape to obtain better harmony. Sometimes the tooth is partially covered by gum, giving the appearance of an excessively short tooth, in other cases the opposite happens, the gum is retracted revealing part of the root. This leads to a problem of not only esthetic but also dental health. It is not enough to “cover up” the problem. You will have to discover the causes to obtain permanent solutions.

Clinical case nº1
Clinical case nº2
Clinical case nº3

Patient who goes to Bonadex Dentists because his short right lateral incisor is visible and the smile is asymmetrical. The treatment consists of a small gingival resection with coronal lengthening of the central and lateral incisor.


Patient who, after orthodontic treatment, needs to cover the roots of the canines in which the gums have receded. The gum is modified with a minimum of surgery and the defect is corrected.


Patient suffering from a gingival retraction in the lower incisor tooth. We performed a gingival graft and we managed to cover the exposed root surface.



Veneers are a minimally invasive dentistry technique and are used to correct defects in size, shape, coloration, wear and enamel structure.

There are two types: porcelain veneers or composite veneers.

Porcelain veneers are thin sheets made to order in the laboratory, which are cemented onto the teeth to give them the desired size, shape and color. They are also used in many cases to close spaces between teeth.

Prior to making them, it is usually necessary, although not always, to perform a small shaving of enamel of between 0’5 and 0.8 mm. While these veneers are being made, temporary, composite veneers are placed, which are removed on cementing the veneers. It is important that the office and laboratory maintain a close relationship, in order to communicate directly, through photographs or by the presence of the prosthetist, the small differences in shape and color that make these veneers fully integrated with the rest of the teeth of the patient so that they can go unnoticed by the observer.

We call composite veneers those formed by composite resins, very technical, that we affix directly to the surface of the tooth and that we can model to get the shape and color we want. It is the material of choice for young people and especially in the case of dental fractures. It is not necessary to cut the teeth, which makes it a reversible procedure. Over time they tend to change color, which may require revisions to perform some maintenance or even replacement.

Clinical case nº1
Clinical case nº2
Clinical case nº3
Clinical case nº4
Clinical case nº5
Clinical case nº6

Patient with the two upper central incisors reconstructed with composite. Due to the filtration and fracture of this material, the appearance was not pleasant, so after treatment, the defect was covered with two porcelain veneers.


Patient who complains that due to an old trauma, he has a very dark central incisor tooth that he believes disfigures him. Beginning with an internal discoloration, we consolidate the structure, ending with a ceramic veneer.


Young patient who does not like his smile because his teeth appear worn, small and with separations. We started the case with orthodontic treatment and finished with a series of ceramic veneers.


This patient was referred to our office after having undergone orthodontic treatment so that we could reconstruct the left central incisor with a composite reconstruction.


Two cases of central incisor fractures that have been restored by composite.


Patient who goes to the dental clinic with the dental fracture of the lower right incisor. We carried out a temporary reconstruction and later the porcelain veneer. Case Finished without too much discomfort for the patient.
Very aesthetic and conservative treatment, minimally invasive for the patient.


Teeth whitening

It is a relatively simple and fast conservative esthetic treatment indicated in the treatment of teeth with stains (spots and discolorations). The objective is to achieve a harmonious smile in the patient by returning to their teeth a color that suits their aesthetic needs in the shortest time possible, with simple and painless procedures.

It can be done in two ways:

Home bleaching: it is carried out by means of some thermoformed transparent bite guards that the patient takes home and that adapt perfectly to the teeth. The active product is introduced into these bite guards. This product remains in contact with the tooth for 6-8 hours or overnight for a period of two weeks achieving progressive whitening.

It requires a subsequent maintenance that involves a reminder every two or more years, to apply the product two nights in a row.

Whitening in the clinic: It is performed by the specialist doctor through the direct application of the active product on the tooth. We use the Zoom Dental system. The bleaching product is activated by a special cold light.

Amazing results are obtained in a short time.
This treatment is done in the dental office in a session of one hour. After the treatment is finished, thermoformed transparent bite guards are supplied to the patient so that the active gel is applied at home for two more nights.

Clinical case nº1
Clinical case nº2
Clinical case nº3

Teeth whitening and lengthening incisal edge of the central incisor with composite.


Patient presenting an orangish tooth color. After the treatment we get a more whitish color, with more light in the tooth.


Patient who, as a child, had a trauma in the left upper incisor and over time has suffered a discoloration in the tooth. An internal whitening was performed only on the tooth in question. We were able to match the color to the neighboring teeth.

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