Pediatric dentistry is the branch of dentistry responsible for treating the teeth of children from birth to age 6 caring for their milk teeth and up to 12 years when the mixed dentition ends and the permanent one begins.
At Bonadex Dentists we love children and we have created a special service for them, Bonakids.
It is important that the small patient gains confidence with the professional from an early age in order to collaborate.
According to the Spanish Society of Odontopediatria, it is essential to control milk teeth after 3 years of age.
At Bonakids we pay special attention to teaching proper brushing techniques and we motivate the children with rewards so that their experience in the clinic is pleasant.
Our pediatric dentistry will detect bad habits in order to reeducate the children, perform restorative treatments in case of dental cavities or seal fissures to prevent future pathologies.
At 5 years of age, the definitive teeth begin to erupt and in some occasions skeletal alterations appear during the development that must be treated at an early stage since the longer we wait the less malleable is the bone, affecting the patient’s function and esthetics. The pediatric dentist is responsible for early detection of these anomalies of the position of the jaws to refer the patient to orthodontics and thus be able to modify or slow the growth of the bones.
Many preadolescents and adolescents require dental braces to correct crowded or rotated teeth in relation to the dental arches. The teeth that do not fit correctly present greater difficulties when it comes to maintaining cleanliness, are at greater risk of being lost early and cause additional tension in the muscles involved in chewing.
An orthodontic evaluation will determine if you need braces and what type of treatment is appropriate.
Now at Bonadex Dentists we want to introduce you to the Invisalign TEEN aligners, specialized in children who want to get a new smile without braces. It is an invisible orthodontic technique that uses transparent devices that move the teeth little by little until they reach the correct position.