

No hace falta definir lo que son dientes mal colocados, salta a la vista, porque los dientes son un componente esencial en la armonía del rostro humano. La sonrisa es como una carta de presentación que trasciende de la persona al observador y que la mal posición estropea sin remedio, como un borrón en medio de la faz.

It is not necessary to define what badly placed teeth are. It is obvious, because the teeth are an essential component in the harmony of the human face. The smile is like a letter of introduction that transcends from the person to the observer and which poorly positioned teeth spoil without remedy, like a blemish in the middle of the face.

But there are many types of bad position, the teeth can be simply misaligned or crowded. The lower incisors may be retracted causing “crowding.” Or the entire jaw may be short, causing a “bird profile” or, on the contrary, very large or simply protrude with the lower incisors in front of the upper “befos”. Or the upper teeth can protrude horizontally or cover the lower ones vertically.

From this introduction it can be deduced that bad positions can be many and varied. They can be the result of a bad relationship of the teeth to each other, of the dental arches among themselves, of the dental arches with the jaws, of the relative size of teeth and maxillary, or defective habits maintained since childhood.

Orthodontics is the part of Dentistry that tries to discover the causes of bad positions, prevent them if possible or treat them if they have occurred. Due to its complexity, it is the specialty that as such has evolved more and more quickly. It is evident that the treatments will be very diverse and appropriate to each case, but basically they will have to apply, in a very sophisticated way, light and continuous pressure on the teeth. When the case has severely affected the maxillary bones, it is necessary to resort to Orthognathic in
Surgery order to modify them surgically

Ortodòncia Barcelona
Ortodòncia Barcelona
Ortodoncia Bonanova


Nowadays, we also have another invisible orthodontic technique: Invisalign. It consists of a series of transparent and removable aligners that are changed every two weeks for a new set.

Each of these aligners is manufactured specially for the specific and progressive movement of your teeth. As the aligner changes, the teeth move little by little, week after week until they are aligned.

It is the ideal treatment if you do not want to use traditional braces or if you want to correct your smile without anyone noticing that you are wearing orthodontics.

When we wear orthodontic braces, hygiene must be very thorough, and the controls by the dentist must be regular. Visits to the Orthodontist are usually monthly, and initially an orthodontic study with photographs, X-rays and study models is essential to be able to give a correct treatment plan. After finishing this treatment retention devices (bite guards) are essential to avoid relapses!

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